Funny Quips


My ancesters must be in a witness protection program
My family coat of arms ties at the that normal?
Shake your family tree and watch the nuts fall!
My hobby in genealogy.  I raise dust bunnies as pets
I looked into my family tree and found out I was a sap
I'm not stuck.  I'm ancestrally challenged
Isn't genealogy fun?  The answer to one problem leads to two more!
It's 2012...Do you know where your G-G-Grandparents are?
A family tree can wither if nobody tends its roots
A new cousin a day keeps the boredom away
Any family tree produces some lemons, some nuts, and a few bad apples
Ever find an ancestor HANGING from the family tree?
FLOOR:  The place for storing your priceless genealogy records
Gene-Allergy:  It's a contagious disease but I love it
I should have asked them BEFORE they died
Only a genealogist regards a step backwards, as progress
Heredity:  Everyone believes in it until their children act like fools!
It's an unusual family that hath neither a lady of the evening or a thief
Many a family tree needs pruning  
Genealogists live in the past lane
Cousins marrying cousins:  Very tangled roots!
Cousins marrying cousins:  A non-branching family tree
Always willing to share my ignorance
Documentation...The hardest part of genealogy
Genealogy:  Chasing your own tale!
Families are like trees - the branches may grow in different directions but their roots are the same

 And Finally......

:"All of us 'golden agers' (and I'm not sure if the color isn't more rust than gold) should immediately start on our memoirs what with the explosion in genealogical interest.  Remember...100 years from now people looking for their 'roots' will be looking for us and the older we get the closer to being a root we get.

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