Did you know you can find a lost LIVING relative?
You can write a letter to the Social Security Administration, giving them as much information as you have, persons name, Mother and Father, where they were born, etc. They will search their files and if they can locate the person, they will send them your letter and it is then up to them to contact you. I found my sister this way after 50 years of not knowing what happened to her.
Did you know you can request a DECEASED persons' Social Security Application from the SSA?
The information on this form includes where, when they born, parents names, etc. You do need the Social Security Number. This is how I found proof that Robert Utter and DeLaneo were the same person.
Did you know you may find a DECEASED persons' grave on the www?
Check out Find A Grave - Millions of Cemetery Records and Online Memorials Some people have a hobby of visiting graves and for whatever reason they take pictures of the headstone and/or provide information about that person. I found several people in my family tree.
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